Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Off to School we go!

I am trying to read a bit where I can about the form (rather than theology explicitly - although the two are always related) of 'doing church' from the current movers and shakers. However, There are some profound and even foundational cultural differences (which I want to note down in a latter post) between the US and here.

When it is all said and done, my "current" suspicion is that they are much better, and more intentional in understanding where their people are at. I can't imagine even approaching the idea of 'redemption groups' at most churches I have been at. Maybe we don't think we can share the gospel with "really" sinful people, ie. those who are not essentially middle-class with the same morality? Maybe we don't think we have "really" sinful people still at church!

Having said that I think these are my impressions of top tips for the moment (humanly and pragmatically speaking):

1. great gospel preaching that is explicitly Bible based and aimed at the real places of life
2. good mature christian leadership
3. comfortable and inviting environment
4. do music as well as you can for the place you are at
5. welcoming culture that invites it's friends and hooks people into itself and particularly small Bible based groups
6. create a community that actually seeks to live out the lifestyle and encourage each other on.. (including allowing real people struggling with sin to find real help)
7. Use technology creatively and well
8. be prepared to wipe everything Churchy that is naff

The whole thing is really about Church without the embarrassment???

When it is all said and done, I keep thinking practically they do attractional church plain and simple (even if they call it missional because they focus strongly on who they are talking to), but are unprepared to compromise the gospel, but most other things they do whatever they can to make the gospel appealing.

Church is what we do, why don't we do it for all who need it, instead of endless effort with intermediate evangelistic events that can often be well attended, but are incredibly difficult to transfer people across from to something totally different which is the church we do week to week?????

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