Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Read Book - Guide Us, Guard Us - J.I. Packer

Read this one just after PDJ (see below), again a worth while read particularly in conjunction with that book. It is always good to cross pollinate your ideas with another sound Christian mind who resides in a slightly different gene pool.

In a different style and way had a lot to contribute to thinking about the Christian life, and the thinking about what does it mean to call God our shepherd is a really rewarding exercise (I remember Paul Barnett doing a similar thing at college and it was excellent).

The one area I am not certain about is Packer's view on what it will mean for us in our life's situation to 'have the peace of God which surpasses all understanding, guarding your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus'. He took that to mean it would be a concrete reality in each instance. I kind of think it is more likely to mean in a general sense we have a confidence because 'we now have a peace with God', that enables us to face each instance in a new way.

Maybe I misunderstood his point - because it seemed like a slightly 'emotional response' from a stalwart of Evangelical Christianity. Anyway that would put my thinking on this issue at the moment somewhere between packer and PD Jensen - which to be honest is a comforting thought.

I'd give this one a 6/10

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